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Equity_XL is able to convert various formats from one to another as the program devlopes and grows we will add more formats

Wavefront .obj     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file
                 Export to the Ogre3D format
                 Change Textures.
                 Scale Move rotate and export out.
                 Motions not avaible for this format.

               AutoDesk.3ds    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autodesk_3ds_Max
                 Export to the Ogre format
                 Change Textures.
                 Scale Move rotate and export out.
                 Motions not avaible for this format.

                Collda .dae        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COLLADA
                 Export to the Ogre format
                 Change Textures.
                 Scale Move rotate and export out.
                 Motions not avaible for this format.



Copyright © 2014. Inflanite Software.
W.T.Flanigan B.Parkin H.C.Flanigan.